Our Sixteen Recordings, and How to Enjoy Them Any Way You Like

Over a hundred thousand people around the world have bought Jim’s Gibson’s quiet piano CDs, and countless more enjoy his music through streaming.

Here’s how you can join them. There is a quick link to a list of all CDs at the bottom of this page.

Four Easy and Quick Ways to Enjoy Jim’s Music
  1. Stream Jim’s music at Pandora, Amazon Music, Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Musicand virtually all other streaming services.
  2. Simply ask your Amazon Echo or Google Nest device to “play Jim Gibson on Amazon” or “play Jim Gibson on Pandora” (if you have Pandora enabled).
  3. Listen to Jim’s relaxing music while you work or study by streaming on your computer or tablet. Here are easy links to Spotify, Amazon Music, Pandora and IHeartRadio.
  4. BUY CDs for just $10 each by simply calling us at 404-316-3127 or emailing us at hickorycove@mindspring.com. Yes, lots of people still like CDs and all our titles are in stock. (We take all credit cards, and you’ll probably talk to Jim when you call.)
  5. Download albums or individual songs from iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby or any similar service.

(Our CDs are no longer available on Amazon because we have been unable to stop unauthorized duplication and sale there. If you buy from Amazon in 2023 you are likely to get an inferior ‘replicated’ and counterfeit product. (We aren’t the only vendors with this problem, by the way.)

Click here for a list of all Jim’s relaxing piano CDs

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© Copyright 2017 Hickory Cove Music